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Sending contacts to the network

In order for the ICQ network to tell us the status of users in our contact list, we need to notify the network what the contact list is.

To do that, we have three ``active'' functions which can be found in lines 231-233:

void icq_SendContactList(ICQLINK *link);
void icq_SendVisibleList(ICQLINK *link);
void icq_SendNewUser(ICQLINK * link, unsigned long uin);

When you have all your contacts in your contact list, just let the server know of that by calling icq_SendContactList. This should be done after you have logged in to the ICQ network.

In the csicq project, we did not use icq_SendVisibleList but we suspect this should be done after you have changed the visibility settings for a contact.

When you add a new user to the contact list, you need to let the server know that this user has been added to the contact list (so the server sends you their status). To do this just call icq_SendNewUser with the user's UIN and the ICQ network will be notified.

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Zvika Brakerski 2001-05-08